Monday 24 January 2011

India continued

We are having an AMAZING time. This hostel is really great, and we've been meeting some fantastic people who we've been traveling around with. We've explored New Delhi, and Old Delhi...similar and loads to take in! The Red Fort was closed due to "Republic Day," as are a lot of things...but doesn't take away from the experience! Unfortunately squeezing five of us in a tuc tuc is becoming a common thing, which doesn't make for the most comfortable ride, but its hilarious. The picture above was a camel march through Delhi, it came out of no where, and was a great site to see!
 Sian getting henna on her hand.
 These are the guys we're traveling around with.
 Cheesy Taj pose...gotta be done.
 We're so happy to be at the Tah Mahal!
Sian's new friends at the carpet factory.

A group of us went to Agra yesterday to check out the Taj Mahal which was very impressive. We also saw the mini Taj, the main fort, and then a bunch of textile factories that our hilarious tuc tuc drivers wanted us to see/sell to us. We went to a marble designing shop where they showed us how they engrave the marble and Sian almost got a stick in the face which was hilarious. A carpet shop where we saw how they design the carpets and make them, a very long process. Although surprisingly they only seemed to be working while we were walking around and had vanished when we came back to the tuc tucs. And then ofcourse a bunch of textile shops where we were supposed to buy all sorts of things that would never fit into our overstuffed bags as it is.
Throughout the day we get photographed and recorded on peoples phones. We posed with pretty much every Indian tourist at the Taj Mahal and are met with an abundance of cuddles and hand shakes. It gets kinda weird sometimes, but for the most part its fun!
We're off to Jaipur today for a few days, and then thought we'd go check out Goa. Seeing as a 29 hour train journey is only $2, time is more of an issue. Our trip to Darjeeling was cancelled because it's "closed." Apparently there is some sort of protest going on and no hostels or ANYTHING is open...shame, but there is still plenty to do! You'll be happy to know that we weren't allowed on the roof terrace the other night due to too many monkeys! Unfortunately Sian got her flip flops eaten by monkeys last night. We've seen camels walking down the street, and will hopefully hang out with some elephants today. Its all about the animals!
Neither of us are poorly...touch wood. We're meeting loads of people and having a terrific time! Keep the emails coming, would love to hear from you! xxx

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